Zimbabwe Music and Arts Awards UK



10:00 am - 5:00 pm


King Fahd Palace Hotel, Dakar


Free event

The three-day continental summit, whose theme is “revitalizing higher education for Africa’s future”, seeks to build a movement of like-minded institutions to transform the African higher education sector.
To be held on 10-12 March 2015 at the King Fahad Palace Hotel, in Dakar, the summit will be highly interactive, allowing participants to exchange experiences and views.
The summit’s objectives are to:
1. Build a constituency for transformation and investment in Africa’s higher education.
2. Create a shared vision for the future of African higher education.
3. Harness and highlight exemplary efforts and initiatives in African higher education.
4. Harness disparate efforts and interventions in African higher education.
5. Spur and sustain innovation in African higher education.
What Will Be Discussed
Summit highlights will include deliberations on governance-related issues in Africa’s higher education sector; issues of innovation and harmonization of policies across the continent with an eye toward lessons learned from processes in other parts of the world. Additional topics will include the remarkable rise in the number of African higher education institutions, including universities, due in part to increased demand resulting from investments in primary and secondary education by African governments, as well as increased private investment resulting from policies aimed at reducing the role of the state in higher education.