African Solutions, Global Challenges: The Role of the Diaspora
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre, SOAS University of London
10 Thornhaugh St, Bloomsbury,
London, WC1H 0XG
Join us for the London edition of the IE Africa Center’s African Solutions, Global Challenges flagship event focusing on the role of the African diaspora in shaping the continent’s future.
What is the role and value-add of the African diaspora when it comes to building the continent’s future? Can Africans in the diaspora build unicorns on the continent? And how are they contributing to forging a new narrative for the continent and its peoples?
On March 4th 2020 in partnership with the SOAS University of London, the Royal African Society, the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD), and the MIT Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship, the IE Africa Center will be hosting the fourth edition of its flagship event, African Solutions, Global Challenges in London, entitled “The Role of the Diaspora”. Delivered through a series of TED talk style presentations, this event will focus on the ways in which African executives and entrepreneurs in the diaspora are shaping the continent’s economic and cultural future through investment, technology and art.