Blueprint for Change



2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Via Zoom



Blueprint for Change

Date & Time: 3rd March 2022, 14:00 – 15:00 GMT via Zoom


If you’ve missed this event, you can watch the livestream here

At present those who destroy the environment get rich, while those who protect it remain poor: how can we reverse this in Africa?


Natural capital is increasingly recognised as critical to human health and prosperity, and large forest ‘carbon sinks’ are vital for global efforts to limit carbon emissions and associated temperature rises as a result of climate change. So why are the communities protecting some of the world’s most important biodiversity so poor, while those who exploit the environment get so rich, and how can we reverse that trend in Africa?


This panel will share experience from multiple conservation projects in Africa to demonstrate how conservation can support development, and what more is needed, including insights from John Kahekwa and the Pole Pole Foundation, finalists in the inaugural 2021 Earthshot Prize, as well as experiences from Rwanda, Kenya and Mozambique.



  • John Kahekwa, Founder and Director of the Pole Pole Foundation
  • Belise Kariza, Rwanda, Country Director, Africa Wildlife Foundation
  • Josephine Nzilani, Terrestrial Programme Manager, Fauna & Flora International
  • Dr Bartolomeu Soto, Director-General of Mozambique’s National Administration of Conservation Areas, Peace Parks Foundation



Dr Richard Milburn, Lecturer, King’s College London