Elections and COVID in Africa: What We’ve Learnt
Free (donations to RAS gratefully received)
If elections in African countries are to go ahead during the current pandemic, what measures can be taken to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19? And how might those measures best be implemented?
Dr Tom Molony and his team from the University of Edinburgh have carried out extensive research into the impact of COVID-19 on recent elections in Ghana, Tanzania, and the Central African Republic (as well as by-elections held earlier this month in Kenya). This webinar will discuss the conclusions, implications, and recommendations from that research for future elections during pandemics.
Join the Royal African Society and the University of Edinburgh alongside representatives from the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA) and other African regional institutions to discuss how during times of cuts to the UK’s ODA, international partners can best work together to support and strengthen electoral and democratic processes during this pandemic.
Chair: Ruona Meyer – Africa Initiative Manager, Solutions Journalism Network
– Mychelle Balthazard – Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
– Tom Molony – Senior Lecturer, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh
– Ericino de Salema, Country Director, EISA Mozambique
– Kojo P. Asante – Director of Advocacy and Policy Engagement, Ghana Centre for Democratic Development
This event is in partnership with the University of Edinburgh. It will be live-streamed via Zoom. The link for the Zoom webinar will be sent to all those who have registered via Eventbrite 2 days before the stated date.