Leave a Legacy

Leave a Legacy

By leaving a gift to the Royal African Society in your will, you can play a key role in making the world a more equal, just and interesting place, with African perspectives at the centre of the global conversation. Your gift will help to strengthen relationships and mutual understanding between the UK, Africa and the rest of the world.


A charity legacy is a powerful way of reflecting your life, values, and experiences and having an important impact on the lives of others. 


We know that family and friends will be your first consideration in such an important decision, yet your gift to us could be from as little as 1% of your estate. Your gift would provide vital support to the Society, ensuring our mission-driven work will continue to make a positive difference for generations to come.


An unrestricted gift can be used to support the development of our range of programmes in public engagement, academia, politics, business, arts, and education. Alternatively, you can leave a gift for a specific purpose.


We are a registered charity, so making this gift in your will be exempt from inheritance tax. In addition, gifts to charity that exceed 10% of the net value of your estate can reduce the rate at which inheritance tax is deducted on the value of your estate above the inheritance tax threshold. 


If you are considering leaving a gift in your will to the Royal African Society, we would like to invite you to have an initial informal and confidential discussion with us in the first instance.


Please email ras@soas.ac.uk or write to us at The Royal African Society, 21 Russell Square, London WC1B 5EA.