Partnership Opportunities

We partner with institutions and academics to help increase the impact and reach of their research. Through our well-established public and political engagement programmes, we reach a wide and interested audience, including policy-makers, civil society, students and diaspora groups. We deliver innovative and accessible ways of disseminating research findings and building engagement throughout a project’s duration. Through our links to UK parliament, we aim to encourage evidence-based policy-making and better-informed parliamentary debate. 


“As an academic working on the future of the UK’s trade relationship with Africa it was hugely beneficial to work in partnership with the Royal African Society. Together we were able to deliver a research symposium at Westminster, which was attended by a wide range of relevant stakeholders. This was of great use in the development of my own research impact agenda and would not have been possible without the support and guidance of their team.”
– Dr. Stephen Hurt, Department of Social Sciences, Oxford Brookes University (Impact Partner 2016-2020)


Our Impact Partnerships can take a variety of forms depending on the nature of your research and desired impact. We work with you to develop an individually tailored programme of engagement to meet specific aims and objectives. Recent partners include the Rift Valley Institute, the London International Development Centre, and Oxford Brookes University


Download our Impact Partnerships Brochure to find out more about the programme, or send an email to Sonia Foday, Fundraising Manager, at