APPG for Africa

The Royal African Society (RAS) serves as the Secretariat to the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Africa, a dynamic cross-party group composed of UK parliamentarians from both the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The APPG for Africa is dedicated to fostering mutually beneficial relationships between African nations and the UK while actively working to challenge and dispel negative stereotypes about Africa.

Established with the support of the Royal African Society in January 2003, the APPG for Africa has grown to become one of the most active and independent APPGs within the UK Parliament, boasting over 200 members. The group’s events and meetings provide a vital platform for UK parliamentarians to engage in meaningful dialogue on policy issues with African policymakers, diaspora communities, civil society organizations, and the private sector.

Our policy inquiries aim to highlight critical, and sometimes overlooked, issues within UK-Africa relations, ensuring they receive the attention they deserve from both Parliament and the Government. We regularly propose parliamentary questions, support debates, and lead independent public consultations and policy inquiries. The findings from these inquiries are published in reports that are instrumental in advocating for necessary changes in UK policy. These reports are accessible online, with physical copies available in the House of Commons and the British Library Archives.

Ongoing Inquiry: UK- African Partnerships for Just Energy Transitions in Africa| Royal African Society

This critical inquiry is set to publish its findings in January 2025, exploring the pathways for equitable energy transitions across the African continent.

Get involved and help support the APPG for Africa by joining RAS as a member today! Non-members can stay updated on the APPG’s activities by following us on X (formerly Twitter) at @AfricaAPPG and subscribing to the RAS newsletter.


Disclaimer: This is not an official website of the House of Commons of the House of Lords. It has not been approved by either House or its committees. All-Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups of Members of both Houses with a common interest in particular issues. The views expressed in these webpages are those of the group. APPG’s are accountable to the Parliamentary Standards and more information on the rules to which they adhere can be found here Guide to the rules on All Party Parliamentary Groups – UK Parliament