Policy Reports
The Royal African Society in conjunction with the APPG for Africa publishes regular policy reports. Our reports are usually part of a wider investigation into a particular issue that needs attention and will include policy recommendations that will be submitted to HMG for response. The Government has responded to our reports in broadly the same way that Ministers respond to Select Committee reports, and some important changes in UK Government policy have followed as a direct result of our recommendations. The APPG also produces shorter policy briefs based on our work to inform inquiries of official parliamentary committees.
Links to past APPG for Africa policy reports can be found here.
Meeting Briefs
APPG for Africa meetings are typically by invitation only, reserved for Parliamentarians, Members of the Royal African Society, and selected guests and speakers. However, some meeting briefs, memos, and recordings are made publicly accessible. You can find these materials here and on the RAS YouTube channel at royafrisoc – YouTube.
APPG meeting briefs can be found here.
More Info
Keep up to date with the APPG’s activities by following us on X (formerly Twitter) @AfricaAPPG and by joining the APPG’s public mailing list when you subscribe to our newsletters. You can do this at the bottom of the page below.